Guide services in Shusha city

About event

Attention: In order to enter this area, it is necessary to register on "" website!

Monuments and exhibition halls with free entrances:

  1. P.Vagif’s mauseleum- museum
  2. Shusha Creativity center- exhibition hall
  3. Madrasah of Yukhari Govhar Agha Mosque (exhibition hall)


Guide services for the Shusha city walking tours:

Type of the tour groups

Guide fees of the walking tours according to the duration

 2.5- 3 hours AZN

Full day (7-8 hours)  AZN

Group from 3 till 10 people



Group from 10 till 25 people






Per person individual tour



Note: A group tour is created with the participation of 3 people at least. One guide can be appointed for a group consisting of 25 people. 

Age restrictions / Language

6+ / Multilingual
Guide services in Shusha city Guide services in Shusha city

Venue location